Barcodes: Codici a Barre

di Shpend Sollaku Noè

Barcodes: Codici a Barre

Presentazione del libro

In this English and Italian edition,Shpend Sollaku Noé stands up as Dante Alighieri of the twenty-first century: there are no pits or circles of hell in his poem, but his vision is equally terrifying.

Reading Barcodes, we feel more than damned, real puppets who move around the world-hell where, instead of flames, there are computers, loans, envy, image obsession, false religion, lack of culture, fabrication of history, unscrupulous bureaucracy, corruption, and incivility.


Serie: Bilingue, Poesie Edizione Bilingue
Genere: Poesie
Editore: AuthorHouse
Anno di pubblicazione: 2010
ASIN: 1449053998
ISBN: 9781449053994
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